History of CrossFit Marketing

CrossFit began as one man’s concept of working out and quickly spread to a universally embraced system. Within as little as five years, the affiliates went from one to seven and then thousands in only a dozen years. Greg Glassman has one secret he says to have made this simple. The history of its marketing tells more of the same.

Quality Sells Automatically

You will notice that CrossFit is one of the few sports that keeps its name off merchandise branding. According to Glassman, putting such labels allows a brand to be stocked with other useless clothing in someone’s closet. Another truth is that CrossFit does not need such publications because its quality is itself a self-marketing advantage.

While most gym exercises focus on one muscle group, CrossFit began with a wholesome approach and still upholds the same. It incorporates weightlifting, calisthenics, gymnastics, and compound exercises to bring forth the desired result. Since participants see tangible improvements in their daily activities, they keep coming back.

The Games Advantage

Before the sport debuted in the 2007 games, its spread was through success stories, word of mouth, and tangible results. Once it got popular enough, the Olympics agreed to add it to its sport’s list. The best part is that even participants have no idea what every CrossFit game will demand until the D-day.

The secrecy brings forth the game’s unexpectedness, thus keeping everyone on their toes and anticipating outrageous performances in the next season. More than this, people watching the games often leave the show inspired to test their fitness limits.

Support Through Communities

Going to the gym to exercise on your own with a pair of headphones isn’t CrossFit’s way. This structure’s importance came accidentally, as Glassman tried to expand the limitation of one-man training. When more people sort his services, he found out that training two people at once at a discounted price still retained his hourly profits.

As clients enjoyed working out together while supporting each other, Glassman realized the advantage of the situation. Soon several people were having their CrossFit training at the same time, boosting support and a community feel. This, in its unique way, became another marketing strategy as people working together motivated them to reach their goals. Using a scoreboard also improved the process.